About Good Gourds
Hi, I’m Karen, and as you might have guessed, I love squash. There are some I love (Spaghetti! Winter Luxury Pumpkin!) more than others (um, sorry Acorn, you’re not my *fave* … but I’ll keep trying). As a foodstuff though, squash and pumpkins are where it’s at.
I’ve also noticed that people in the world really really like to learn about squash and cook squash recipes. So I decided to start a new food blog all about it! SQUASHES AND PUMPKINS ONLY!
Though Good Gourds was founded in 2023, I’ve actually been a food blogger for a long time. Kitchen Treaty is my other blog, with over 500 recipes – vegetarian, many vegan, several with options for adding in the meat when you’re eating with a mixed diet clan (which my family is). I’m a vegetarian and have been for 20 years! Crazy. But I cook and include all recipes here, meaty and not. After all, this is about squash recipes for you, not about me!
I hope this site is the super squashtastic resource for you that I have envisioned it to be! If not, please feel free to contact me at hellogoodgourds at gmail dot com with your suggestions. They’re always welcome.
In squash we trust,